Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Rasa Celaka.

Rasa 1:Celaka

Celakalah aku jika tahun ini jauh buruk dari dulu.Dan makin-makin 
Kalau tahun 
masih seperti lalu..

Kecelakaan ini...Tuhan, jauhkanlah..Amin #

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The Man I Love

One of my favourite poems. Can't help it - I really love it. I hope Mohja Kahf will keep on writing poems like this. I should write to fine day, Insyaallah.
p/s: thank you

A Man Who Washes Dishes
Mohja Kahf
I love a man who clears my table
I love a man who knows how to use
a wire scouring brush on my pots
till they sparkle so
He brings out my shine
I love a man who washes my dishes,
making small soapy circles with his manly hands
around the curves of my delicate glassware,
sliding lathery down the slimmest stem
I love a man who moves patiently
around my kitchen, turning like a deft spatula,
remembering the places and purposes
of every latch, knob, and cubby
I love a man who takes responsibility
in the tired aftermath of a meal
down to the wiping of the last counter,
chasing the last honeyed crumb
into the moist corners of the basin,
neatly grinding the coiled peel of the final tangerine
He is not afraid to descend into the maelstrom of the disposal
and explore the sharp blades with naked fingers–
I love a man who washes my dishes

Sunday, 6 October 2013

of child bride, shiah & marriage

I found myself  blog walking in this space called, OutSyed the Box yesterday, got attracted by a discussion on - Feeling Embarrassed Over "Prophet Marrying A Six Year Old".

As I always am attached to matters like this - masked cultural practices, women related issues, demonization of Islam (which in most instances rooted from some muslims' misinterpretation of Islam/ Quran/ Sunnah & cultural interpretation of many practices which often time patriarchal), the discussion over this issue has stirred my psyche. really.

There was a sudden urge that said I needed to respond to the issue posted in this "Tuan Syed's" blog, intending to share and expand the discussion to something fruitful (I badly need to be back to school again, having f2f discussion with some cikgus, friends like I used to. Amin, ya Rabb!).Sadly enough: my sloth-cursed-internet connection had failed my good intention. And tonight, this is where it takes me: blogging about this.

I don't wish to go deeper tonight as I need to go to bed real soon :) I just wanna place something that is supposed to be my "comment" on this Tuan Syed's comment box, here. Things, I feel so strongly about, so that they would be kept here: becoming a proof of my stirred heart and worked brain :)


Some would delve into the differences (physical especially) between a small kid today and a kid of prophet’s days. That needs years of research to find the truth, I believe. Some would simply play finger-pointing, making matters so small big and bigger and some would deviate a little/a lot from the real topic, i.e: child marriage --> allowed or not allowed --> prophet’s story vs modern story --> shiah’s doing???duh..

When things got so messed up like this, I love to think that Islam is so beautiful, there is nothing in Islam that will conflict with 1) the fitrah of mankind (physical, mental, emotional, even spiritual immaturity in most of the kids are their fitrah, aren’t they?) and 2) things like basic human rights that the child bride so deserve i.e: good education, health etc.

Child marriage denies all the above. It takes away small girls’ innocence; it breaks the very fitrah of the girls. And definitely, in most cases, it denies them the rights to go to school, to blossom into maturity naturally, to be healthy etc.

Isn’t it contradictory to what Islam teach when small girls of immaturity be married off?

I cringe at the cultural practices so called “islamic” and “prophet-following” like this one. And wonder, why those practicing don’t care to look at the purpose of marriage in Islam itself: to create Mawaddah & Rahmah between the husband and wife.

Would/could an 8-yr-old wife understand marriage itself and mawaddah and rahmah in one?

Of shiah’s doing – I cringe again and again at some muslims’ preference of finger-pointing, proving their inability to exercise their brain to the fullest and practice logic even in a matter like this. 

Why is it so difficult for us to understand that “Islam itu agama fitrah, sangatlah secocok dgn fitrah manusia”? and..where will this Shiah’s doings finger-pointing take us as far as child marriage is concerned?


For a full discussion by the blogger named above, pls go to:

Monday, 2 September 2013

So L.O.W

I was happily sharing my opinion on "Mybank Merdeka Commercial" below,

 · 951,368 like this
August 30 at 6:57pm · 
  • This #Merdeka, Maybank celebrates by taking joy at the things that bring us Malaysians together.

    What do you think brings Malaysians together? Join the discussion at #Merdeka
 genuinely saying:

  Norzie Gie respect and tolerance - these two should stay here with millions other good things only Malaysia could offer.
 i was "inexplicably amazed" when reading, particularly the first:

Kobe Mx Hypocrite, you don't even know what it means to respect and tolerance. Ketuanan Melayu is good for you but not for the Malaysian. Like · 6 hours ago

Norun Haron the problem is who is talking abt ketuanan melayu. Tuan Guru Nik Aziz dont
  • Thus, offering this:
Norzie Gie Lately I find it damn difficult to share things I genuinely feel when every single thing under the Malaysian skies is cheaply politicized i.e - my opinion on Maybank Merdeka commercials???.Come on, dudes!How cud we be so l.o.w like this? Sorry. I just don't belong to some people's politics coup,stays,cage, pls. Peace 
p/s: Losing a bit of my cool...How could we be so low???What has politics done to us, my Malaysian fellas???Never mind laahh..I better finish rereading "Animal Farm", where I could easily find much comfort. Comrade Major! Here I come! Ciao!


Sunday, 25 August 2013


Tolong, jauhkan aku.dari menjauhiMU-tuhan.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Of & Mo-r-ons

I have long been suffering from this "illness" - Anti-Idiocies Disorder (AID)..symptoms?? I wud be possessed by "hangin-satu-badan" thingys, be quick at howling names  like bodoh#stupidos#jerks#jackass#dumbs#bongek etc etc while reading any material (especially newspapers) with idiocies reported on them..included in the  "rasuk @ naik-hangin" phase is either frequent "geli-hati" giggling or occasional explosive "lupa-diri" laughing. (wondering, jus what is wrong with me, ehh???)

AID has long made me easily terribly sicked by brainless acts, words, feelings, thoughts..has got me easily sensitived by those idiot things.

My last sudden attack of AID was triggered by Malaysian Football Fans of Pahang and JDT recently. Duh..terrible, really. 

Lemme give my two cents to those people involved, ehh:

Don't you guys have any bigger/more important/more sensible thing to fight over? Bloodied, swollen, bruised, cuffed bodies just because of something terribly not worth it like a football match? How lower then your brain could sink???

Come on dudes..Because of politics WE have had enuf id.i.ots and mor-ons already, here in Malaysia. Please just don't add any to the

I am really begging you dudes..just, don't! please..

p/s: a disclaimer/penafian from me: btw, since my kid days, kan.. i don't do f#ck, bu@%^&* or any other god-knows-what-dirty-swearings, fearing my mak's palms, wud swiftly scattering cili boh paste all over my mouth like a pro chef, tau!those words are BIG NO-NOs in my family. Even at this age of 33, my mak would immediately hush me whenever the "bodoh" things flow between my two lips..let alone the genitalia-inspired-eye-rolling swear-wordies.haha!ever become cili boh paste-mouthed, Gie??? has always saved me, Alhamdulillah)

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


(many thanks to i do have lots of ?????? with those thumb-ups, i seriously do)

The FB LIKE button has got me mesmerised. It makes things so damn simple that clicking a button is just enough to show our interest/ support etc on the LIKEd matters. What else is simpler than clicking a button, right? It does not need any typing, spelling checking, tone adjusting, words selecting... and at times, clicking this button doesn't even need a thinking as liking the post is all that matters..alahai..there sinks the brain.

To me, this very button on FB can be a good proof that humans are really suffering from the NPD - the Narcissistic Personality Disorder that has long been diminishing people's sensitivity towards other things. We post things on FB - instead of expecting honest comments on the posted matter, we hope to get LIKEs & this is the problem. When self-admiration rules FB, coupled with the LIKEs from viewers (who could be total strangers) what else do we get other than boosting egos and mountains of self-admiration?No sharing views, no exchanging ideas, no self-humility, no space for self-muhasabah, 0 self-balancing -  as all of these have been deliciously slurped by the Narcissus.

We humans, are all narcisstic-we like ourselves, and like it even more when we are liked by others too..betoi, tak??? Even I can't say NO to this. pathetic, isn't it?

BUT FBookers, please! there are times when we need more than those LIKEs laahh. When people post "Aku menci ko..kurang ajor, bangs@t" menci!/ "set@n ahh PKK, BNN, PASS" or even " Camno nak poi Soromban, Jang" etc  (these are all made-up, ok) - LIKEs are just not relevant !People really need words here - good good words, of course.

Well! well! well ! allow me to say this:

"FB LIKE Button pleases simple hearts. Of minds - it pleases not"

(I shall post this on my wall and see how many LIKEs do I get :) So narcissus me, isn't it???hahaha)

p/s: FB clingy Humans have really mesmerized me!where have they got the time to post things every minute & second???(I wonder if FB addicts are really humans. Dumb me..of course humans, they are!tapirs don't give FB a damn, laaa. not even a bit..) 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Nota Kecil dari Bandung & Jakarta

Pertama kali melangkau jejak ke seberang, tanah leluhur yang telah lama nenek moyang aku tinggalkan..ikut perkiraan susur galur darah, keturunan asal gemulah Aki aku sebelah ayah datangnya dari Kepulauan Jawa. 4 hari 3 malam disana memberikan terlalu banyak sisi baru tentang tanah bergelar Indonesia walaupun hanya sekadar tanah kecil Bandung dan Jakarta yang aku singgah..yang amat pasti Bandung & Jakarta, aku akan kembali..


Masakan Sunda - yang pertama aku jamah di Bandung

Ikan Kaloi - ala masam manis, pertama kali gue "makan ibu Bawang Putih" :(

Nasi Padang - ditangan Jus Alpukat (Avokado) . Enak banget dong!

Susun Pinggan -identiti Padang

L-R: Cumi (sotong) Sos Padang & Buncis Goreng Singapore di Mangga 2.

Menu wajib masakan Padang - celur pucuk ubi. Soooo...Melayu!


Anyaman pada kerusi di Restoran Masakan Sunda

Grafiti - protes atau seni?

Sang Dewa

Arjuna & Cinta???

Perempuan penggugur jantung !
Batik buat Bronis 

Jalanan & Ekonomi

warung jalanan - pemandangan biasa.

Angkutan - transpot utama marhaen yang amat murah. Beroperasai seperti bas-bas  di  Malaysia.

Motoris-motoris Seberang

Deretan gerai kecil menjual bakso dll

Bandung berair mata...

Indonesia menangis!- tiap petang hujan sama seperti adiknya, Malaysia.


Gas 3kg - tabung pertama diberi secara percuma kpd peniaga dan marhaen yang perlu.


Kempen untuk PEMILU - pilihanraya umum 2014

Walk the talk, plsss!  AKSI..bukan sekedar visi & manifesto & janji,  bapak ibuk.


"hammock" yg dijual di sepanjang jalan ke Tangkuban Perahu

Kawah di Tangkuban

Kampung sekitar Tangkuban

Si Nyala di Hotel Trinity, Jakarta.


Taman Tema Bandung - RP 150,000 sekali masuk.

Gue "naik belon terbang"..

Rumah Hantu - serem!susah nak lelap mata pada malamnya. Padan muka!


Jakarta dari lorong belakang.

Gue ingatkan ini beca - rupa2nya pengangkut barang2 dari pasar  & anak sekolahan! hentam aje!

 Arca peluru meriam di luar Muzium 

Skyscrapers - a lotttt in Jakarta!

trafik - antara tersibuk di dunia???

Masjid menggunakan bangunan tinggalan Belanda.

Angkutan ke Jalan Eyckman, Bandung, RP 2000


Gue dapat masuk taman tema Bandung percuma "Khusus Wanita Ulang Tahun April"ooooo lucky me! 

p/s: jgn "layan" tarikh kamera gue. none of us knew how to reset the date! shame on us!!!akan bercerita panjang lain masa, IzinNYA...daaaa!!!